Order Cancellation

Last updated: Jan 14, 2025
  1. You may cancel your order within 20 minutesafter the order has been confirmed. Please go to "My Order" under "My Account" to confirm the order that you wish to cancel, and click on "Cancel Order", after which the system will automatically cancel the order.
  2. You may request to cancel or reduce your order quantity between 20 minutes to 5 hours after the order has been confirmed. This option is only available for the goods shipped from Costco Logistics Center. Please go to "My Order" under "My Account" to confirm the order that you wish to request to cancel, and click on "Request Cancellation". If the system accepts the cancellation or the reduction in the order quantity, the system will refund the amount to your original credit card.After the order processing center has completed the relevant procedures, the order will then be forwarded to the logistics company for shipment and the order status will show "Shipped".

Return Policy

In addition to vendor's warranty, we guarantee your satisfaction on every product you purchase by allowing a full refund, with the following exceptions:
  1. Electronics:Costco will accept returns of televisions, tuner-free displays, projectors, major appliances*, computers, touchscreen tablets, smart wearable devices, cameras, aerial cameras (drones), camcorders, MP3 players and cellular phones within 90 days from the date the member received the item. To protect your personal information, we require you to remove your personal information before returning the item.
  2. Diamonds:Members returning a 1.00 ct. diamond or larger must present all original warranties (IGI and/or GIA certificates). A return and refund will be approved upon verification by a third-party gemological institute designated by Costco.
  3. Products with a limited life expectancy, e.g., tires and car batteries etc., may be subject to special return and refund policy.
  4. Customized products, special items, motorcycle, automobile and installed products: According to the purchase agreements between Costco and the vendors, such products cannot be returned; instead, the vendors will provide repair or warranty plans.
    *Major appliances include:
    • Refrigerators (above 283L)
    • Freezers
    • Ranges
    • Cooktops
    • Over-the-range microwaves
    • Dishwashers
    • Washers
    • Dryers
    • Wine cellars
    • Electrical garment care systems
  5. If online vouchers were used in an order, when the entire order is canceled or returned, the voucher will be void and will not be reissued. If part of the order is canceled or part of the order is returned, the refund amount will be proportionally reduced by the voucher value.
  6. Unless otherwise stated by applicable laws or regulations, gold bars, gold bullion, gold coins, silver coins and 24K gold jewelry are non-refundable.

Jewelry Return Policy

  1. When you return jewelry items, Costco Online Shopping will require additional time to verify the jewelry, and you will be responsible for the verification fee. We will process the refund only after the returned jewelry is verified and the jewelry is not damaged or changed in any way (i.e., resized or reset).
  2. When you return a diamond with the size of 1.00 ct. or larger directly at a Costco warehouse or request a return online, you must also present all original warranties (IGI and/or GIA certificates). A Costco employee will accompany you to verify the diamond at a gemological institute designated by Costco. You will be responsible for the verification fee, and we will process the refund only if the returned diamond is verified and the diamond is not damaged or changed in any way (i.e., resized or reset).

Return Method

  1. Return items at Costco warehouses:Please bring your membership card, the original payment credit card and the product to be returned to the Membership Counter of any Costco warehouse in Taiwan. If an "E-invoice (issued with a GUI number of a company, which cannot participate in uniform invoice lottery)" was issued, please bring the company seal and the responsible person's seal or invoice seal to complete the process for issuing a credit note.
  2. Return items online:Please go to "My Order" under "My Account" to confirm the items that you wish to return, and then click on "Return items" and select the items and quantity to be returned, specify the reasons for return and address for picking up the returned items.
    • Logistics company to pick up the items to be returned from you (the logistics company’s staff will give you a receipt, which should be retained by you until receiving the refund). Please pack the items to be returned in accordance with the original packaging before handing over to the logistics company.
    • Costco examines and confirms receipt of the returned items.
    • Costco issues electronic copy of the sales returns or credit note (by e-mail).
    • Personnel of customer service center refunds the amount to your original credit card within 7 business days. The payment date depends on the operation of the issuing bank.
    • Once the process of return and refund of Costco Online Shopping has been completed, the system will automatically send you an e-mail notification.
      If you are unable to return an order or certain items online through "Return Items", please contact Costco customer service.
  3. Return items via customer service center: Please contact Costco customer service center.
    • Personnel of customer service center confirms the order, items, amount and payment method.
    • Logistics company to pick up the items to be returned from you (the logistics company’s staff will give you a receipt, which should be retained by you until receiving the refund). Please pack the items to be returned in accordance with the original packaging before handing over to the logistics company.
    • Costco examines and confirms receipt of the returned items.
    • Costco issues electronic copy of the sales returns or credit note (by e-mail).
    • Personnel of customer service center refunds the amount to your original credit card within 7 business days. The payment date depends on the operation of the issuing bank.
    • Once the process of return and refund of Costco Online Shopping has been completed, the system will automatically send you an e-mail notification.
  4. Where you have requested the product return or have canceled an order or Costco is unable to accept all or part of your order, or the sale agreement is canceled or becomes null and void for any reason, and a refund needs to be processed. Costco Online Shopping will process on your behalf the invoice or credit note, etc. as required by relevant laws and regulations.
  5. For services of returns within the territories of the Republic of China other than the Taiwan island, please contact Costco Customer Service Center.